| WHY SHOWA? Because we can : - Minimize your investment in plant, equipment and personnel.
- Reduce your material and inventory costs.
- Utilize the contractor's expertise.
- Achieve guaranteed quality and reliability of your product.
Because we are : - Maintain complete business integrity with our customer, suppliers and employees.
- Maintain a "Customer for life" attitude.
- Extensive communication with our customer via email, telephones and face-to-face.
- Focused on "Partnering Relationship"
- Relieves from its customer the problem of managing technological complexity, representing a direct access to highly process/product engineering resources, as well as state-of the-art equipment.

COMPANY ADDRESS: 7, Jalan Dewani 3, Off Jalan Tampoi, K.P Dewani, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor D.T. , Malaysia. TEL: 607-3316333 FAX: 607-3315442 MANAGING DIRECTOR: Mr. Ong Kwee Beng Regional and Global Office  | |